Jodi O'Dell

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since Dec 02, 2021
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Recent posts by Jodi O'Dell

Thank you! I have definitely searched the internet for high altitude baking, but most of the tips are from people who live in houses and have real ovens. 😊 I live in a bus and will have an outdoor, wood-fired oven. Some things translate well, others do not πŸ˜‚Thank you for those direct links!!
3 years ago
Hi all,

I've just moved to the high desert. I live in a mini bird skoolie and am completely off grid.
I'm planning to build myself a cob oven in the next few weeks, provided the ground is not frozen, and I'm wondering if anyone has any tips for using it. I'm planning to acquire a hand mill and mill my own grains, but I have no idea what kind of tweaks need to be made to my recipes to account for the 5300 ft elevation, if any.

I'm sure I'll have similar questions about off grid, high altitude, high desert life on other forums. 😁 But I begin here, with bread.

Thank you!

3 years ago