Lisa Kitinoja III

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since Dec 08, 2021
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Recent posts by Lisa Kitinoja III

There are refrigerators that use solar power to freeze ice during the daytime, then the "ice bank" is available to keep food cold overnight.
1 year ago
I have been collecting low tech, low cost methods for postharvest handling and reducing food losses during harvest, packing, storage, processing and marketing for the last 40 years. Some links to free postharvest tech resources to share via The Postharvest Education Foundation (  
Free Book: 100 under $100: Tools for reducing postharvest losses.
For information on PEF e-learning programs and free training manual (3rd edition) download:

Dr. Lisa Kitinoja, Founder
The Postharvest Education Foundation
PO Box 38, La Pine, Oregon 97739 USA
Website homepage:
Twitter: @PostharvestOrg
3 years ago