Hello are you still squatting? I would love to know more about your progress as I aim to do the same. Id like to find an area with a water fall and build a noninvasive micro hydro system to harness excess electricity. I can also help you build a crystal radio for communicating. Requires no electricity and good for emergency situations. I can also tell you how to build a furnace for metling metals and making tools if you need them. Maybe youd like a hot water tank heated solely by composting matter found all over oregon and the nw. All very quite simple and once its built it's built with limited maintenance. Please email me. I want to help you or anyone else on the same path. Ironically "squatting" land is both our future and our past solution to tyranny. You can not let a bank hold a title on your land and you cannot let government grant you titled ownership (they become the authority at this point) as squatting rights are ultimate in land ownership.