Be sure to have a varmit control system if you dont have dogs for the fowl,guinea are pretty fast runners and can fly very well but the chickens and ducks are a little more vulnerable.I know everyone thinks birds in general will eat all bugs but i have had chickens for awhile and if i find a tick i try to get them to eat it,they just look at the tick then look at me like im stupid for trying to get them to eat a tiny little bug,now i have given them the swollen ticks from off of dogs and they eat them without hesitation.I dont have dogs anymore so my chickens are penned when im not around.I dont have dogs so deer are around more,during our deer season if you kill a deer in november it will be tick infested,usually right on sternum or hard to reach places.Deer are tick transportation devices because they cannot reach all over thier body much like a dogs back will have fleas and ticks.Kill all deer and you will likely have less ticks in a few years,just my theory but i hate ticks as much as i hate deer eating my garden,win win.
Oh another theory and this isnt mine,but opossums are said to eat ticks.I have had people tell me "dont get rid of your possums,your going to have ticks".I have ticks and i had tons of possums,now i dont have as many possums .They also eat chickens,you make the choice whether you want possums eating ticks or possums eating chickens.