Richard Boebel

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since Feb 04, 2022
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Recent posts by Richard Boebel

Hi there! In the next 3-4 years my partner and I are looking to start an intentional community/Co-housing/Eco Village Kind of thing. We about to go on a road trip right now and are going to head from the west coast to the east coast in Late Feb-Early March. We would love to visit folks living in community on the way out.

We are most interested in how people create structures around sharing their space, resources, and the social dynamics of living in the community, particularly in a rural setting.

We both have experience farming and I have some building experience. So we'd be happy to do some free labor if that sweetens the deal!

2 years ago
Hi there, my fiancee and I are traveling in the west, but about to move permanently to the Philadelphia area.

On our way east we want to visit eco villages/intentional communities/co-housing situations and chat to them about how it all works. I was wondering if anyone here knew of anyone that would be worth looking up? We are most interested in how people create structures around sharing their space, resources, and the social dynamics of living in the community, particularly in a rural setting.
2 years ago