Pablo Hellmund

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Recent posts by Pablo Hellmund

Nice, thanks for your replies!

That's quite a healthy dose of reality for my expectations.
Fortunately the piece of land is located in a small town where most of the tourists come because they're already interested in appreciating / protecting nature.
Eco-Tourism is the main economic driving force in the area since there's a very unique ecosystem (Cloud Forest) a bit higher up in the mountain.

So my hope is that this profile of visitors will be a bit more open to adapting their behavior with nature's benefit in mind.
But that's kinda wishful thinking to some extent hahaha ... I'll see how that goes

But I will follow your advice on creating a diversion system with the valves, sounds like a really good approach. I could just switch it back it whenever I'm alone there or when It's low season.

I will be sharing the common areas / garden with the guests on a daily basis so I think I won't  be dealing with most of the problems that remote AirBnB'ers have in terms of people abusing their trust and such
1 year ago
Hello friends!

So I'm just about to acquire a small plot of land with an area of 407 square meters.
I'll have to borrow some family money to be able to buy it... so in order to pay that back I will create a little permaculture AirBnB project with a couple of "glamping" structures and shared kitchen/shower/laundry facilities... and a composting toilet

I'm starting to design the grey water treatment system with aquatic plants in a gravel pond, grease trap and all that good stuff.
And I will provide biodegradable soaps for guests to use.. Will also put up signs saying things like "please use bio-degradable soaps only. Our plants are fed with your waste water" or such..


Since there's gonna be loads of people going through the place in 1 year, I'm afraid that a considerable percentage of them will ignore the indications and stick to their own (non-biodegradable) shampoo/bodywash just because they like the smell or whatever.

So I'm having second thoughts and I want to ask:

What is the worst thing that can happen if, say 15% of the water that goes into the system, is coming with with toxic cleaning products?
Would it ruin the whole system, kill the microbes and create irreparable damage to my soil further down where I use it for irrigation ?

Or would it just make things slower and smellier, with damage that can be made up for overtime?

I also thought that during those first 1 or 2 years of AirBnB I can just dispose of it in the sewer like normal peepz do .. to avoid damaging my soil. And then when I have payed my debt I can shift away from being a host and do my thing, having more certainty of what actually goes into the water.

I'm eager to hear your feedback!
1 year ago
Hello Nancy! Thank you

There is basically a legal entity (sort of like an LLC) that owns the property, it is called a "sociedad anónima" or S.A. in Costa Rica.
This entity was created with the sole purpose of being registered as the owner of the land, it's something that people used to do in CR because it had certain advantages over the normal ownership by a physical person.

The natural heirs to the land are a couple of brothers who many years ago went to my father for his legal services. My father was the lawyer who formalized this ownership into the Costa Rican archives, so as a form of payment they gave him a percentage of the shares in the S.A. (legal entity)

The decision to sell it and the price were decided by the entire board of directors of the S.A., which includes those brothers and my mother (as a representative of my whole family since my father passed away).

The only shared used agreements as of this moment concern the rental of space for agriculture. There is a man who farms the land and periodically pays some rent money, and it has been agreed that this income shall be used to pay property taxes and other maintenance expenses.

But neither the brothers nor any member of my family is actually using the land for anything other than that. Mainly because we don't get along with them at all, but everyone agrees that the land must be sold.

So that's the situation.
I deem it really important that it's sold to someone who will take care of nature in there, so a permaculturist would be ideal.

And at the same time it would mean a great deal to me personally because it would enable me to buy some land of my own and start a permaculture project, which I have been dreaming about for some years already.
Hello there fellow Permies!

New to the forum here
Me and my family are selling a piece of land that partly belongs to us (we own a percentage of the shares).

It's a gorgeous place with an area of 41.7 hectares (103 acres), an unlimited water supply  (springs that birth water straight out of the mountain) and a very interesting terrain that lends itself to harvesting several different forms of natural energy, by using key-line design, windpower infrastructure, small hydroelectric instalations ... etc!

It's part of a protected zone, which means there is a limited percentage of the area that can be built on, but the land is so big that this percentage is not truly restrictive. And it is right next to a big forest/jungle that is  very rich and bio-diverse.

So we want this place to end up in an ecologically minded person's hands. It is a great location for an Eco-tourism development, Permaculture project or any other type of agro-ecological venture.
Located in the south-west section of the central valley in Costa Rica, in the mountains of Santa Ana. It is conveniently close to the main city areas but beautifully secluded at the same time!

Check out the video below and fall in love with it


Area: 41.7 hectares / 103 acres
Price: $3 000 000
Location: Piedades, Santa Ana, Costa Rica

contact us at: