Clean With Cleaners You Can Eat by Raven Ranson
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Bianca Valdez

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since Mar 09, 2022
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Thank you so much Anne. I will look at your recommended sites and will also look in my area for an eminent domain attorney. Take care.
2 years ago
Thank you so much Anne for your reply. Can youshare with me your attorney's firm contact information? Maybe he can guide me to an attorney with expirance on transmission lines and structures and easements down south Texas.
I greatly appreciate your help.
2 years ago
Hi, looking for some legal advice regarding rights I have as property owner on not allowing a powerful electric company to use/place a 345kv transmission line and/or monopoles in or cross line my property. And I don't want perpetual aerial easements or perpetual structures(poles) property  has an old falling house on it, but plan to demolish and build my retirement house on property with tool sheds and cattle sheds and hay sheds. Property is in south Texas. Electric company wants almost half acre perpetual easements. HELP guide me to what laws & regulations I can protect myself so they don't use my property AT ALL.
2 years ago