Sabrina Swainson

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since Mar 21, 2022
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Recent posts by Sabrina Swainson

Hello Dave,

If you are still interested in chatting with new aquaintances, I'd like to see how a conversation between us would flow.   I like everything you said, especially about meat and hard work and relaxing.  Smile.
I believe in balance , not extreme positions, but I also know that we seem to be entering times that are pretty unbalanced and if that's the case, there'll be nothing to substitute for having a true friend, lover and partner, all in one person, by your side.
I believe in letting Life's own timing unfold even while planning and working towards one's vision.  Mine is to go rural, get on some land, maybe near some like-minded folks and live a permaculture-inspired homesteading life that's regenerative, not only for the land, animals, plants and soil but also for my femininity and sense of wonder which has been a bit eroded lately.  
I'm slowly searching as I know that the process of buying land can have some serious pitfalls and once you have it, there's lots to do to create a homestead!  My resources are not unlimited so I'm trying to avoid making a mistake.
I love gardening and fermenting things (sauerkraut, yogurt, kombucha etc,) all those little life forms happily living their own lives and enriching ours just tickles me to no end.   I also love bees and have always wanted to live in partnership with a hive or two.
I have traveled extensively in my younger decades and at 66, I'm still strong and healthy and ready to really settle in and create a beautiful, vigorous, abundant place and life with a beautiful, vigorous and abundance minded partner.  
That's my offering to open up a chat.  If nothing else, it's nice to chat with other permie lovers who have the potential to become chat pals.  Be well and happy as you explore this next exciting phase of life.