John Rush

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since May 13, 2022
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Anyone in the region have experience with hawthorns? I ordered a few from an out of state nursery, and well, they all got hawthorn-cedar rust. I started asking around about local varieties or native species of any kind, and basically turned up empty handed, so far. One person in a local native plant group stated they used to be very common but are now rarely seen. It was somewhat implied that the proliferation of cedars may coincide with the decline of hawthorns? Anyway, if anyone has had luck getting them to grow successfully I want to know your secret. If there's a source for disease-resistant varieties, either in a local nursery somewhere, or a wild population that can be cloned, I'm interested in that too.
2 years ago
Greetings from Norman, Oklahoma! I took my first PDC over a decade ago, and I have been playing around, building a garden at my suburban home in Norman. I finally pulled together the resources to buy an 11 acre plot in unincorporated Seminole county. It's time to up my game again and converse with the serious and experienced people here. Not sure how much time I'll be online, I also work full time as an ICU nurse and spend much of the rest of my time engaged in other responsibilities. I hope I will at least contribute something meaningful nonetheless. Thanks for being here!
2 years ago