Nicole Eidson

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since May 15, 2022
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Recent posts by Nicole Eidson

Unfortunately, my paypal account is on one email and my permies login is on another.    I didn't see a link after, it just said my paypal transaction has been processed successfully.  I have checked both emails and I dont see anything with information.  
10 months ago
I just registered for a bootcamp but I dont know any other details, like, when etc?  Will someone be contacting me?
10 months ago
I'm kinda struggling here.  I live in the suburbs but my plot is big enough to have a good size garden.  I have 8 raised garden beds and I want to work on the gardening badge but it is impossible for me to do the hugelkultur, one of any size.  I have done the compost and the chop and drop but I feel like I'm blocked because of the above mentioned issue.  I save my own seeds and and encourage wild plants in my gardens, etc but a lot of the tasks needed for the badges I just cant do in the suburbs.  Should I just focus on the PEA and will I be eligible for SKIP if I do that?  
2 years ago