Jodi Paciulan

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since May 19, 2022
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Recent posts by Jodi Paciulan

Thank you so much for the great advice.  We have to go with a cement floor.  Wondering if a flor drain would be good for clean out.
Also the builder wants to put up a water/thermal barrier around foundation would the be a good idea for the Root cellar?  

Mike Haasl wrote:Cool project and welcome to Permies Jodi!

I think that you can keep your humidity higher in the root cellar with a dirt floor.  I lime washed my cement  walls and that seems to have helped with mold.

I had wooden shelves but they got funky so I'm using plastic ones now.

Having a dryer canning storage area outside the root cellar is a great idea.  Remember that squash, onions, garlic and a few other things like it cool but dry so they might fit in that room as well.

A sink in there would be neat, there is a risk that a root cellar will freeze so that might be a problem.  

Size wise I'm thinking 8' by 10' is plenty for storage and moving around.  

2 years ago
Newbie here, grateful to have found Permies!

We are rebuilding our family home from the ground up. Original house has a dirt floor Root Cellar with access from Basement.  With additions, the root cellar will probably have a concrete floor.  I have been reading to increase my knowledge on how to build, best practices, etc.  I have many questions!  

How big should it be for a family of 4-6, with sink & electricity?
Should I have a drain installed for easy cleaning?
I've heard that mold could be an issue with concrete, any suggestions here would be awesome!
I am hoping to start canning also.  Would a room in front of the Root Cellar be a good idea?  I think it could act as a buffer room for the Root Cellar.
What devices in addition to the thermometer, hygrometer would be a good investment?
What are the best materials to use for shelving/storage?

Thank you in advance for all of your help!
2 years ago