Dustin Waller

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since May 22, 2022
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I'd like to add an agreement to that post. We experience this quite often this time of year in NE Florida. I'm right on the ocean on an island where for example it is 72° as we speak but is expected 34 in a few days.

What happens is the trees that go truly dormant are deciduous and when the leaves drop the trunk is now exposed to that warm sunlight. The phloem which transports the sugars and organic compounds warms up on the south facing side exposed to that sun. Which then can cause a rapid expansion from frost and the layer between the inner and outer bark splits.

I have a method of whitewash of the old Greek style Lime Wash mixed with about 1/4c white latex paint. Go ahead and stack some functions and add 1tsp of essential oil to help eliminate any of those borers that won't want to penetrate the layer of oil+paint.

Good luck!

Guadagno Attilio-Cesare wrote:i own no motorized vehicle whatsoever, now;

after living nomadically out of a solar electrical powered RV travel trailer towed by a waste vegetable-oil fueled diesel pickup truck, back and forth between the East and West coasts of The United States — North American Continent for several years starting about 15 years ago, with stays on north carolina, florida, georgia, utah, kansas, nevada, and my natural-born-on california, my nomadic sojourning took me across the pond to live on the African and European Continents, for a couple of years, before returning stateside with no vehicle, so i acquired a skateboard and a bicycle to get me to and between bus stops, friend/relative’s homes, and airports;

i, now, feel most free, as i continue to sojourn back and forth between california/mexico and central and south american countries utilizing my bare feet/legs and commercial airlines and/or local public transportation “buses” and/or private “taxi” drivers;  i do my best to avoid UBER and/or LIFT or any incorporated TAXI COMPANY.

¡no problemo! 💪

Wow, I was just thinking of you the other day Attilio, Hey brother! I just happened to get on here and see this in recent posts ...  Glad to see your back in the states you were in Spain last I remember! Let me know if you ever come back through NFla!
1 month ago