Nicole Blank

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since May 22, 2022
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Hey, your welcome!

No I really enjoyed it, I've been checking out some of your stuff on YouTube as well, it's pretty cool! 😎

Haha! And for my family's adventures, I'm not sure the world's ready for that movie! 🍿 But I did get the biggest smile on my face, thinking about all I could put in it!😁
1 year ago
Yep, definitely one of the best movies I've seen!🎬

My family has often joked about making a movie, of our own life's experience's, good for you for actually doing just that.

I was laughing so hard at the part where you said, nothing left but a bottle full of feelings! How often in life is that to true.😏🙂
1 year ago
The afterparty lol! I love it. 😂
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2 years ago