Aren Jones

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since May 27, 2022
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Typical 0.25 acre house & yard in a neighborhood setting.

I have a wide strip on the west side of the house that is too shaded for growing veg. It already has a privacy fence that would probably only need netting on top and hardwire mesh on the bottom/rim to turn it into a chicken yard for compost-making.

The problem? The neighbor's neglected/bored golden retriever continually walks its perimeter right on the other side of that fence.

Is there aaany way to make this work, or is this really just flirting with disaster? I'd really like to use that space for something useful as it's good for nothing but mowing right now.
2 years ago
In March, we bought a house on almost 1/4 acre and cleared the backyard to make way for the largest organic vegetable garden we can fit amid the many other house fix-up projects we have to do. I was hoping to do a pretty low-effort Ruth Stout/Back-to-Eden-esque style garden setup ' But then....

***Dun. Dun. DUUUUNNN!***

One evening, we happened to notice a sign in a strange spot on the very border our yard, notifying us that X company sprayed our yard. We called, and they said they sprayed weed killer over the ENTIRE yard, front and back. The sellers apparently never unsubscribed from their lawn service.

Our toddler had been out walking/rolling in it, I (6 wks pregnant) had been out pulling weeds by hand in flip flops, and so forth. We don't know what the timing was--the company isn't even sure who on their team did it. I know this is probably an overreaction, but I'm just so flabbergasted and appalled.

Anyway. So we know this yard was sprayed historically, and was sprayed again this year. (GROSS.) What happens to those lovely, glistening dreams of a bursting-with-life organic garden?

I know some of you will say to just construct deep, raised garden beds and import and physically haul massive amounts of hopefully-not-gross soil/compost/woodchips to fill them. Y'all. What easier/simpler/cheaper options are there in this situation?

Chemicals used, according to my spouse's notes: Echelon (herbicide), quinclorac (ingredient), dxlr8 (herbicide)

I hope you all are gobbling up lots of joy this gardening season! Thanks for taking the time to consider this.
2 years ago