Clean With Cleaners You Can Eat by Raven Ranson
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John Mueller

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since May 29, 2022
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Hi, so I have a natural spring that flows out of a hillside in the woods. Not a terribly high amount of flow (maybe 1.5-5 gpm) but it nearly always runs.

The spring flows down into a relatively flat area before it gets steep again and the water falls down the hill. This flat area is shallow and marshy with clumps of grassy soil and gravel.

I’m thinking about digging out the soil and using it to further dam up the spring. The bedrock is likely only 1-3 ft down. Once I’m finished, I would have a small spring-fed pond. Around 20 ft wide, and maybe 1-3 ft at the deepest.

So, to my question. What could I do with such a small pond? It’s too small for fish. In the fall, it will likely catch and accumulate a good amount of leaves. Is there a good edible waterplant fill it with? What creative uses can you guys think for how I could use it? Thank you!
3 months ago
I got eager and ordered several comfrey roots online, and they’re currently in my fridge. I live in zone 6/5b. Am I okay to plant them in the ground now, or am I better off to plant them in pots indoors and transplant later? Would it help if I put a little mulch on top? Thanks.
2 years ago