Unofficial Companion Guide to the Rocket Oven DVD
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Sarah Dunlop

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since Jun 03, 2022
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I've spent a lot of time wondering what to do about my situation. Boyfriend and I have been together well over a decade and own a home together. The home is in town on a third acre. I'm able to have chickens and have had success with growing fruit trees as well.
When I was young, I dreamed of living the city life. As I matured, I found myself drifting away from that dream. For over 8 years I have wanted to have a true homestead. As remote as possible while still having internet (my job is remote).
I want to harvest wood to build coops, fences, and fix up a home. I want to raise livestock for food and process my own meat.
Basically, I want the opposite of what we have now.
Boyfriend seemed open to the homesteading idea a few years ago. As it becomes more of a possibility, he's just throwing up roadblocks. He would rather buy his meat at the store, he would rather nap than do literally anything useful, etc.

I'm frustrated both with his laziness and closed mindedness, and seriously wondering if I even want to continue this relationship.

What I do know, is that I'm not willing to sacrifice my life goals for the sake of transient convenience. I want my homestead even if I have to build the whole thing alone.

For others who have been in a similar situation, what was the "fix?"
2 years ago