Wayne Owen

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since Jun 14, 2022
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The geological resource is MASSIVE, I have been extracting hydrogen like Rydberg alkali halides in a electrochemical process that condenses into super dense hydrogen within the microscopic domains of the metals literally by the pounds!!! I am no LENR physicist however it appears that Rydberg Matter UDH may be linked to Ancient cosmic water Nanoclusters where according to the TGD point of view in which RAs could correspond to states where some valence electrons of alkali are DARK!!!  HMMMM better get the facts from the young genius environmental engineer from Australia who published the LENR catalyst ID model www.subtleatomics.com  
2 years ago
Now that large geological reserves of dense hydrogen have been discovered super chemical LENR is starting to be engineered in Australia at Subtle Atomics and of course SZG in Norway, it is just a matter of time before one of these great scientists develop the technology to harness this world saving energy resource.
2 years ago