Diego Footer on Permaculture Based Homesteads - from the Eat Your Dirt Summit
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Austin Alexander

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since Jul 06, 2022
Merit badge: bb list bbv list
Intelligent, compassionate, freedom loving gay male interested in likeminded friends and neighbors. Currently seeking to start a community in the blueridge.
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Recent posts by Austin Alexander

Kyle Durkin wrote:Hey, I’m not not in Europe but I am cool.

Cool What part of the world are ya in? Direct message me if ya wanna chat.
2 years ago
Nice guy, property investor, business owner, future homesteader. First time overseas. Hoping maybe there are some cool folks to meet along the way.
2 years ago
Yeah man! send them to me in a message. They thought my last name was fake so I made a new profile lol or you can email me at
2 years ago
Looking to start a retreat/community in Eastern Tennessee, purchasing land sometime by end of year, looking at 10-50 acres.  Looking for other freethinking individuals to collaborate with. I have some ideas of making it for permanent friends and family but also a temporary retreat to teach those seeking an escape from their modern lives. I currently own property in Clearwater, Florida which provides me with rental income. I also have a family investor for start-up. I am a 30 years old gay male and love everyone who is peaceful, open, and motivated to create a better world. I believe education or support is seriously lacking in our society and would like to change that. Even if its just to chat feel free to message me with your email. These are ideas i've had for 15 years and am finally in a position to get started, I've loved gathering ideas from reading in this community so far.
2 years ago
Hi David, Im currently looking to purchase land in eastern TN with the same values and intent you’re describing. Maybe we can work together on your land or can buy get something nearby you. shoot me an email

2 years ago