Yasmi Watanabe

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since Jul 06, 2022
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Recent posts by Yasmi Watanabe

Hi, I've been watching on gumroad, and the many embeds in one page is taxing on mobile (frequent weird fullscreen glitches). Could you please look into ways to show each vimeo embed separately?

Anyways thanks for making it available!
1 year ago
This newbie (me) recently talked about hugelkultur to two organic, semi natural farmers in two different occasions.

Both times, the response was, "---so that removes the excess water?"

I get the impression that farming in my area (I am north of tokyo) is more about removing excess water than retaining water.

The most rain we get per month is september with ~180mm or 7in. Least rain is feburary with 60mm or 2.4in. Are we past some rain threshold where hugelkultur stops being useful? Or will it still be magnificent?
1 year ago
Gumroad (or any way to purchase from japan) please please please!
2 years ago
Ah right, the chimney too. Thanks for clarifying! That makes more sense as a rule.

Foot of space above the riser! I suppose it's hard to draw a single set of rules from different people innovating through different thinking.
2 years ago
Upon rewatching the video, I realize the chimney wasn't mentioned in said rule. So the solarium juicebox one is not even an exception, 8in throughout, and then there is the chimney.

Yes, I do see batch box designs having mostly brick bells. Hm. So the double stacked barrel isn't an exception either, or more like, it's a different core so the rule needn't apply.

What I'm gathering is that the J tube desires a certain something from the rest of the system (like constant CSA / chimney close to barrel) to assist rocket-y airflow, whereas in a batch box with a strong venturi effect built into the core, the core is rocket-y enough on its own to allow some design variation? Does that sound about right?

Not that I will try to innovate or anything, I will definitely stick to the Wisner J tube design when I get to build one in a backyard. I just want to feel confident that I understand the stuff presented.
2 years ago
I was watching the "sneaky heat" dvd and Erica mentioned this rule: the cross-section area should be roughly the same throughout the rmh - wood feed, burn tunnel, heat riser, donut shaped pivoting point under the barrel top, inside the barrel sides, manifold, mass tubes, chimney.

This had me thinking about some exceptions:
1) The batchbox rmh in the workshop space has an entire extra barrel above the riser.
2) The recent juicebox style chimney gets narrower than the mass tubes.

I understand how both of these choices serve a purpose (more quick radiant heat to the shop, stratified mass tubes).

What makes these work well despite its CSA not being the same throughout?
2 years ago
Hello! Title says it all.

I currently live just to the north of Tokyo, but hopefully I can move somewhere with an abundance of unused land soon.

Helen Attowe & Martin Crawford are my biggest inspirations so far.

I have so many questions as to what to be doing right now, but I guess I'll post those in separate threads.

2 years ago