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Doc Smith

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since Jul 12, 2022
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Hi all.  I am finally down to my last prep steps for making the move to homestead my life away.  I have dreaded this so hopefully before my end with tech mayhap someone here can show me that this phone and internet can do some good before I trash it.  

I'm moving down to the ozarks and I'm scouting out different locations stretching over about 22k square acres to choose to make my start.  I'm looking to make friends, meet people, find like minds, maybe enlist other hands, and or possibly even lend my own to others.  

Beyond that my plan is to start with the tools I'm accustomed to, the supplies I need to sustain my start, and past that everything else in my future world will be from the land.  Understanding that modern people will require some modern things over time, especially in the first few years of trial error and experimentation I know I'll never be completely disconnected but that's the true goal.  People who have the capacity to appreciate people and life above all the bright and shiny stuff feel free to say hi.  Teach me something or learn something.  

I'll be gone by winter so if you come across this post in 2023 I'm no longer within reach
2 years ago