S.D Porter

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since Jul 23, 2022
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Hello from the PNW! We have been married for 6 years and We have a boy that is always on the go and never stops exploring our property, perfect if you have a kiddo. Currently we have 5 acres in the PNW and have started trying to do more things for ourselves last couple years.   We have a simple No drama life. We are building to be self sustaining.
We wouldn’t consider ourselves religious,  there’s a greater power of some sort. We love races, road trips, cars, outdoors, hiking, camping, music, cooking, gardening, working on the property, cannabis friendly but not into the party lifestyle. Into more of the natural stuff home remedies and lately conspiracy conversations. Around 28-40 years old would be nice. It would be nice to have a 3rd person be part of our village. If this sounds interesting message us, this is all new to us too.
2 years ago