Vaughan Griffin

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since Jul 23, 2022
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Cairns, Queensland Australia
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Recent posts by Vaughan Griffin

Thanks for your response, Alan.

The impact on the sharing dynamic and transformational experience sounds substantial, and I can respect your need to protect the stories of elders.

If I can encourage you to publish some notes about the course (having removed sensitive subjects), that'd be excellent. Otherwise, do you have any book recommendations about the concepts within the course?

It's definitely a course I'll look forward to completing at some stage in the future, if I can get over there. It also sounds like you have a strong connection to culture in your work, which I deeply respect.

Love your work, and best of luck with the course all attending!

2 years ago
Hi there!

Will there be recordings of this PDC available for purchase, similar to the Virtual PDC and Appropriate Technology course on Permies?

I have wanted to attend a PDC for Scienists and Engineers for some time, however they're almost always in the States (I'm in Australia).

Hoping there might be an option to watch or download the recordings at a discounted rate. The course outline looks elite!


2 years ago