Richard Lawrence

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since Aug 24, 2022
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Recent posts by Richard Lawrence

Thanks for the info. We are checking it out.
4 months ago
Question for the Mainers. Are there any homeschooling families around? Preferably southern aroostook area? My wife and I are still a ways from actual schooling for our son. But it's never to early to start preparing and gathering resources. So if anyone can point us in the right direction we'd be very appreciative. Also we'd really like to check out someone's homeschooling setup/schedule  and stuff.  Thanks to all have a great weekend.
4 months ago
[quote=T. Smith]Tim in Masardis here.  Just curious if there are any like-minded people in Aroostook county?  I know there is a group that gets together once a year down-state,  but I don't get south very often.

We've got some remote acreage and run it as our bushcraft and sustainability field school, and recently (2020) got a place on the paved road. I've been runnng an outdoor education school for 25 years. During the non-snow months we're usually running a longer course. We've been doing a humanure composting system for over 20 years, have solar power at camp, have been putting in perenials over the years and encouraging useful wild plants, and do a bunch of sustainability-themed projects. Useful wild plants are a big part of our curriculum, and we've got a lot of biodiversity for this part of Maine. We've also got a ton of apple trees nearby in the form of an abandoned and overgrown orchard. I save the seeds of these, as well as wild plums, and make a mean apple wine.

We don't keep animals because we're away on the river guiding canoe trips a bunch in the spring-summer-fall. Maybe someday that will change.

Anyway, if anyone is nearby let me know.

Hey Tim, my wife and I are in southern aroostook trying out the offgrid homesteading life we just had our first child back in jan so we took this season slow. Hopefully we can check out your bushcraft school sometime
5 months ago
Hey! My wife and I bought some land in aroostook county. We are trying to start a farm and a family. Living alongside nature in a sustainable way. We just had our first child. We have chickens and a dog so far. Hoping to get goats next. I have some background in construction and animal care . Shes a chef and likes natural medicine. We've talked about starting a small community of like minded people. Let us know if your still looking.
6 months ago
Oh and kids are fine with us as long as they are well mannered.  
1 year ago
Bangor is doable. Not sure what were doing in a month were looking too start bringing animals to the farm next month. Looking to start with guinea fowl and a few goats see how this year goes. Oh! I have a huge question for everyone, "foes anyone know where we can get some bass to stock our pond?" We ant find any available to purchase in maine.
1 year ago

Matt McSpadden wrote:Hi to all the Permies here in Maine.

I had an idea to find a restaurant with good food, somewhat centrally located here in Maine, and invite any permies around the state to come hang out. Just a chance to meet people in person with similar mindsets over some good food.

If this sounds like something you think might be interesting, tell me what town you live in so I can see what would be reasonably central for the most people.

I'm in Freedom.  

We are definitely interested. Would be nice to meet some like minded, positive people in maine. Let us know when is looking
For good everyone. We are next to patten
1 year ago

Steve Zoma wrote:Nice S. Trevor,

I am a bit further away as I live over in Waldo County having places in different corners of that county both on ridgetops (my main farm) and down on a river.

I work in renewable energy which is nice, because for the Permies members on here that are on-grid, its nice to be getting them renewable power from a good clean source (hydropower).

Hey Steve! Hydropower huh !? I gotta say I have a bunch of ideas for a hydropower setup I've already got one pond I'd like to put one more below it and start setting up a system that would feed itself essentially using the same water over and over again. I'd love to pick your brain and shoot some ideas back and forth.
2 years ago

S Trevor wrote:

Richard Lawrence wrote:
Where abouts in east maine we are around the patten area would love to connect with other maine farmers

I'm about an hour and a half east of Patten, just south of Springfield. I go through Patten several times a year to head up to the North Woods.  While I've worked on farms in the past, I can't honestly call myself a farmer.  Perhap hobby homesteader (dare I say wannabe homesteader) with an ever-growing, never-dwindling  to-do list would be closer to the mark.

Hahaha I'd definitely have to fall in line on that one. We havent grown anything yet and the only animal we have is a dog! So maybe not farmers yet. But the dream is there and were very excited to start a family and homestead. I looked up springfield . We were looking for some property out that way awhile back. We found alot of pfas sites near lee so decided to go a little more north. I hope everyone is paying attention to pfas and pfos there are contaminations from farmers spreading waste sludge on fields . There a few websites I'll look today what they were and see if I can post them for you guys. Also maybe this summer you can swing by on your way to the woods and see what we got going and maybe give us a few pointers haha. Have a good one !
2 years ago