Marae Davis

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since Sep 06, 2022
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I really appreciate the responses. My husband is the one that cramps. Especially in his biceps and legs hes pretty fit guy and definitely stays hydrated and eats well. The potassium come from some supplements but he drinks a liter of organic coconut water a day and its kinda pricey but has helped the most in the past but the cramps still happen. At the moment we are trying the passion flower and I'm going to make a magnesium flake salve and go ahaead and add the chamomile as well. For those who are interested I will keep you up to date on whats worked for us!
2 years ago
I appreciate the responses and will try them out!
2 years ago
Hey ya'll does anyone know of good herbs to use for cramping issues? Modern medicine kinda failed us on this one as all blood tests have come back as okay with electrolytes being in the good realm. We've done magnesium and potassium and sodium and re-mineralized water. I dont know if this is the right place to ask (if not let me know where to go). But does anyone have a tincture or herbal remedy that might help?
2 years ago