Martin Clarke

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since Sep 17, 2022
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Recent posts by Martin Clarke

Thanks for all the input - so much to consider for a newbie like myself.

So, the trees are down and what we could shred has been.

We decided to use what we have (significantly less than we expected) to mulch an area that is currently overrun with weeds where we want to plant blueberries in the future but time (and finances) mean we can't do anything just yet.

Hopefully, it'll keep the area clear and we'll rake it up and reuse what's left elsewhere in the garden later on.

Thanks again - such an amazing community.

1 year ago
We live in a suburban lot, and the increasingly dry summers has motivated us to get mulching.

We've used straw so far, and even though we've only got a sprinkling we can see how the plants that have been mulched have done so much better than those that haven't.

We've got a number of conifers (leylandi for example) that died over the past few years - foliage has turned brown, and almost all of it has dropped off.

We've got someone coming tomorrow to cut them down and shred them up, and I'm wondering if there would be any problems with using what's going to be left as mulch.

I guess my concern is the sap, but maybe one of the more knowledgeable Permies community could give me some guidance.

Thanks in advance!

1 year ago

Ted Abbey wrote:here’s a pic of my wind proof chick tractor.

Love it!
2 years ago
Thanks for all the feedback.

I'm still pushed for time, so have moved 'the boys' into a separate run until I can get around to despatching them - hopefully next weekend...
2 years ago
I guess the problem that I've got Ted is that they have reached the point where they've become rather protective of certain hens but aggressive towards others, and I don't want to lose any of those.

I'm sure this is all 'nature' but it's the first time I've had roosters so it's all new to me...  
2 years ago
Hope someone can help.

I remember as a kid, my Dad coming home with a freshly despatched rooster each Christmas - we lived in the City - that he'd hang in his workshop until he got around to processing.

I'm crazy busy with work, but I need to despatch 3-roosters but I'm not going to be able to get on and process them straight away.

How long can I leave it between despatch day and processing day ?

Thanks in advance!


2 years ago