Jack Little

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since Oct 03, 2022
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Most permies are outdoor creatures = nature.

Why living indoors causes cancer. Good video showing light spectrum behind glass.

9 months ago
It's interesting that melanomas often appear where there is little or no sun exposure.

Coydon Wallham wrote:

Michael Cox wrote:

Show me a study that proves the sun causes skin cancer.


You can hunt for the original studies/underlying data but the link is clear. Increased sun exposure leads to a higher frequency of cancer on the exposed skin.

From the article:

The new research found that 52 percent of melanomas and 53 percent merkel cells appeared on the driver’s side of motorists’ bodies. The upper arms showed an even stronger bias, with 55 percent of merkel cells developing on the left side.

If the supposition is that cancer is a reaction to a simple mechanical process of exposure to pure UV light that is inhibited by closing the window or slathering on sunscreen, why would they point to data about the entire side of the motorist's body, mentioning the exposed arm almost as an afterthought? Are they supposing the average driver spends significant amounts of their driving time standing on the seat with their pants down?

9 months ago
The problem with this study is that it is not full spectrum sunlight. The glass blocks most of the red spectrum which balances out the blue. It is the blue spectrum which causes the damage when not balanced with red. Artificial lights and screens are predominantly blue spectrum which damages eyes/skin/mitochondria.

Dr Jack Kruse:
"The old famous trucker picture dermatologists like to show and sell the public of why the sun is toxic for skin. They believe under their power of questioning that you’ll believe the left side of his face is worse because as a driver in USA the window is open. It works until you have tons of patients who are truckers and you speak to them. It turns out when you speak to them the habit truckers perform is the close the window closer to them due to road noise and open the one furthest from them as they drive. The implications of just taking a history?  What the dermatologists believe flips 180 degrees. They hope you never wise up and talk to truckers. Sadly for them I have for 35 years. Many are my patients. Why does the picture above really happen?  Apparently, and contrary to what is publicly stated by centralized dermatology the damaged side is actually the window side by filtered sunlight via automotive glass
And the issue was that the window was usually rolled up, so TRUCKERS actually get blue light toxic exposure from that side for years (window glass blocks all of UV and 40-60% of IR-A light, which leaves blue/green to photoage the skin. The solar side is younger because the UV and IR-A glass are unfiltered. This picture represents why screens use ages your cells. This is why modern humans who aren’t truckers get melasma, cataracts, AMD, bleeds ng retina’s and myopia so often. Their toxic light comes from in front of their faces. See how perspective changes reality when you know the decentralized truth about light!"


Michael Cox wrote:

Show me a study that proves the sun causes skin cancer.


You can hunt for the original studies/underlying data but the link is clear. Increased sun exposure leads to a higher frequency of cancer on the exposed skin.

9 months ago
I don't believe so. It's not my presumption. There are plenty of studies showing this. There is a strong link between higher mortality rates being associated with lower sunshine exposure. Look up the work of Dr Jack Kruse. It needs to be put in context. If you are under artificial light all week then get burnt on the weekend you will likely get skin cancer. We evolved under the sun yet we are told it is dangerous. You need to look at your entire light environment. Show me a study that proves the sun causes skin cancer. The original study showing UV is harmful was done on babies using artificial UV not full spectrum sunlight. There is a massive difference. https://x.com/DrJackKruse/status/1659534650899853314

Douglas Alpenstock wrote:

Jack Little wrote:Exactly. We have been lied to about the sun causing skin cancer. Sun exposure needs to be done sensibly - build up your solar callous (melanin levels) gradually so you can spend more time in sun.

Isn't it rather presumptuous to apply this idea as the whole, absolute, unquestionable truth for billions of people?

I respect your freedom to apply this method to yourself, and accept the consequences of your experiment. I hope it works for you.

I am concerned that it may be unsuitable advice for many others. I personally wish I had known the importance of covering up from direct sunlight decades ago. There is a cost.

9 months ago
Yes that's true but pale skin just need more gradual sun exposure in lower latitudes. It can be done.

Anthony Powell wrote:

Jack Little wrote:A good X/Twitter thread on sunscreen. https://x.com/zaidkdahhaj/status/1790585689446514718

There's a reason dark-skinned people do better in the tropics, while pale skins thrive in the cooler parts. I reckon my pale skin needs some help in hot sun.

9 months ago
Most of these workers are wearing sunglasses which prevents your body making natural protection from the sun. Truck drivers are sitting behind glass which blocks a lot of the beneficial spectrum of sunlight. Red spectrum, which glass blocks, offsets the UV. Building up your solar callous (tan) for protection is best.

Jennifer Phillips wrote:I know nothing about cowboys, but I do know landscapers, produce pickers, and construction workers. ( Oh and truck drivers.) I also spend a lot of time on the Atlantic coast. Wear something to cover yourself and yes, sunscreen. I had a roofer friend have bits of his face and earlobes hacked off and still had white patches on his forehead and arms.
My husband has ( had🙏) spots mostly on his left arm and ear ( the side near the driver side window.) VA freezed them off and we hope it's all gone.

I burn. I don't wear sunscreen,but I make a point of wearing hats and lightweight long sleeve shirts when I'm out for more than a few hours. Please take care of your skin. Even if you aren't vain about wrinkles, skin cancer is no joke.

9 months ago