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Paul Anguiano

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since Oct 16, 2022
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Recent posts by Paul Anguiano

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.  The hub connections always seem to be what requires the most engineering in these projects.  While I really want to see how this turns out with the ripped logs, the joins you describe sound very difficult to accomplish.

I'm still enjoying the geodesic greenhouse I built many years ago, but I used dimensional lumber and purpose-built hubs, so probably have little to contribute.
Some of this year's apple seedlings, mostly from crosses done by Steven Edholm.  I left them in the fridge too long this spring, so they were overgrown before I got them planted, but I think they've straightened out now.  I'll repot the community pots in early spring, before they leaf out again, and expect to get some good whips then.  I may do some bud grafting to get earlier fruit evaluation if I get ambitious.

My own collected seed this year will get potted in the cold frame next month.
1 year ago
This commercial from my youth keeps coming back to me every time I see this topic name.

1 year ago

Jeff Steez wrote:I greatly enjoy them. I am patiently awaiting a small 7 foot x 10 foot sheet for creating my first pond. I need to install these lily pads I have growing before they die.

You can keep water lilies alive in just a bucket for a long time.  Hardy waterlilies will even survive bog conditions without much free water indefinitely.  Tropicals only need a few inches over them.  But they'll send all their leaves into the air out of a small container if kept that way.
1 year ago
Big rolls of coir and sphagnum moss are not too expensive per square foot and can easily be cut into narrow strips to wrap around a center like this.  Most economical if you're making multiples, though.

I've noticed that monstera gets huge with just a lot of light, water, and support, even without a pole to climb on.  Monstera and philodendrons just need to be supported so the stem is always pushing up vertically, and they can get huge in just a few internodes, if they have the genetics for it.  Tied or propped to a stake with aerial roots allowed to hit soil from a distance will do it.
1 year ago
The pacific chorus frogs are everywhere here, and cute enough that I take too many pictures of them.  The bullfrogs, unfortunately, are not native.  Every few years one will show up in a pond, and if I don't remove it, all the other frogs around it will disappear (and all the small fish).
1 year ago