Spencer Tachick

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since Oct 25, 2022
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Read all the books, watched all the videos, done nothing! Paul's favorite kind of permie! New on the journey. Have 60 acres of family land to play with between AK (4b-5a) and WA (7a). Most will be experimental, hobbyist, homestead style, with mild financial pressures.
Interests: Trees, mushrooms, nursery.
Desired skills: Cob building, round log timber framing, wofati, and of course... all of the rocket mass things
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Recent posts by Spencer Tachick

Haha oops, apparently missed the rest of that message!  No worries, maybe I'll see the post on time next year!

2 years ago
Cool, ya I would definitely purchase a couple packages then if possible?  (3? 4? haha)

2 years ago
Hello Permies family!

Does anyone have a Honey Locust in the Seattle who wouldn't mind if I harvested the pods?  We're attempting a living fence next spring, mostly honey locust.  I scoped some street side trees that were heavy with pods, but when I went to pick them all of the pods were flat and seed/beanless.  Definitely willing to give you a portion of the harvest!

2 years ago
Hey Gary,

I would definitely be interested in a package or two of pawpaw seeds.  Did you happen to keep them moist since harvest?  Research claims that pawpaws are ones that lose viability if allowed to dry out.

2 years ago
Hey Paul,

Any work tickets for this event for our more impoverished folks with functioning backs?  I have heard them mentioned for various events on some of the podcasts so I thought I'd inquire.

2 years ago