Leah Stamper

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since Oct 29, 2022
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Hello, I'm brand new here.  This forum keeps popping up when I search for information about waterproofing earthen plasters - so I figured I should join.  I'm building a small studio inside a 120 year old timber barn to live in while I build the longer term strawbale and cob house.  I live in northern california.

I have done several small projects, a couple ovens, small walls, etc and I've taken a couple of workshops but my experience is definitely limited.

I'd like to make the bathroom essentially a wet bathroom or at least a large open shower.  I've never done any waterproof/resistant finishes.  It will also be over a subfloor.  Looking for any tutorials, advice, books that might help.  

seems like Tadelakt is widely recommended for this sort of thing but I'm certainly open to other ideas!  That's just what I keep seeing suggested.  I would like there to be a seamless (or rather bumpless) transition from the bathroom floor to the shower.  I don't think the same level of water resistance would be needed for the entire bathroom as for the shower area so I'm wondering about suggestions for that as well.

2 years ago