Taylor Clark

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since Nov 04, 2022
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Beautiful Field Farm in Lively, Ontario carries all kinds of fruit trees and bushes that are hardy to northern climes. We purchased some haskap from them this past year, friendly and knowledgeable folks!
2 years ago
I can vouch for the Cosori one you've included a picture of. I was also drawn to the wire racks vs purely plastic (as I was looking at durability and also trying to cut down on plastic where I can).

I haven't dried a lot of stuff with it yet, but the interface is super easy (set temp, set time, hit start) and the mesh screens and jerky trays as optional accessories makes the unit more flexible. I made rhubarb jerky for the Cosori's maiden voyage (using the rhubarb pulp remaining after boiling rhubarb down to make juice), and it dried nice and even. Fan is at the rear of the unit so the bottom tray won't dry and quicker/slower than the top. Center vs top/bottom may vary though - if so its probably negligible.
2 years ago