Jeremy Sharp

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since Nov 07, 2022
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Last year, we started maximizing the lamb's quarter that grows naturally on our property (especially in our main veggie garden). We use as much as we can in fresh salads and soups, sell some in salad mixes on Nextdoor, but ultimately this nutrient rich wild green grows far beyond our fresh use capabilities.

With 2 dehydrators going near constantly with herbs and fruit all spring and summer, we cut and hang dozens of branches of lamb's quarter to dry. After a couple weeks, we'd trim the smaller stems and leaves, finishing them on low in the dehydrator. When they easily crumble into flakes, they are done. That would be good enough for adding to soups, but powdering them in a coffee grinder let's you incorporate it to anything.

We have a quart of this nutrient-dense, LQ powder that we add to soups, smoothies, scrambled eggs, pasta sauce and really anything! Our son eats very well, but sneaking some extra vitamins into a meal is good for him and us. This free resource is awesome in winter when fresh greens are scarce.

We will do this every year.
2 years ago