Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Benne Beck

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since Nov 16, 2022
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I wouldnt do that because i dont build an changeroom. I could inform you about the heat, maybe it will be enough. At the moment im prepeaeing the ground for the fundament.
1 year ago
Hey Anne,

thank you very much for your answer.

Actually, its a bit to late. A already build the ground. I‘ve found the Material for the base and brought it to the right lenght in my workshop. (those red and dark grey things at my plan)

Thank you for the links. I already read those threads.

3D plans: there is an advice, that the plans will come soon. Are they available?

Maybe i would do the version with the barrel-included version from the links 😁🤷🏻‍♂️ maybe that will be better for my sauna. But there are no informations about the dimensions?


Anne Miller wrote:Hi, Benne

Welcome to the forum!

I understand about building the building first and then installing a Rocket Stove or a Rocket Mass Heater.

So which one?

Benne said, "Would the system work in this dimensions? Some missing informations for this considerations?
- Do i need an bigger exhaust pipe? Maybe 20 cm diameter?

This is why I say plan the stove first.

I would plan the stove first then plan the building around the stove since this is the planning stage.

Have you seen these plans:

Some thread for you or others:

2 years ago
Hi there,

i´m planning my gardensauna with an rocket stove at the moment. I´m from germany (sorry for my bad english...), now here its winter. I would like to use the "dark months" for planning it down to the last detail . I can do the concrete foundation for the builing at earliest april 2023 because of the tempretures. So lets start..

First of all, i will give you some information about the building size. The building dimensions will be (inside) about 2,10 x 2,10 x 2,10 meters. At this picture you can see the base (grey), the terasse (red) and the buiding itself (light gray/transparent).

>> see picture in attachment

For this building i´m planning the sauna stove at the moment. I hope, you can help me by thinking for the right dimensions. I would like to make the woodfeeder 20x20 cm. With this size the firing will be confortable for me. I know, that i down need to use an mass. But i´m thinking to use and save some heat in a litte mass. More to this later.

I´m planning (and thinking about) the stove dimensions mainly with the picture of the PDF "Rocket Mass Heaters" Third Edition by Ianto Evans and Leslie Jackson. I´m not publishing this picture, i don´t know it its protected.

Let´s think about the Dimensions...!
A (Feeder size) = 20 x 20 cm
B (High feeder tube) = 30 cm (incl. ash container. This thing will be about 7 cm high)
C (Burn tunnel) = 11,5 cm high, 20 cm wide, 58,5 cm long (58,5 cm = lenght of D in the smaller picture)
E (Heat riser) = 80,5 cm high; 20 x 20 cm wide
F (Cross sectional) = Would do this with the bricks, too. Round or square?
G (Space on top) = 5 cm
k (exhaust) = 15 cm (round)

Material: I would like to use clinker bricks for the feeder, burn tunnel and heat riser. This type of brick works with tempretures about 1.300 Celsius.

My questions:
- Would the system work in this dimensions? Some missing informations for this considerations?
- Do i need an bigger exhaust pipe? Maybe 20 cm diameter?

Let´s start this thing! I thank you in advance for you help. I would inform you here for the construction progress with all pictures and plans

2 years ago
Hey thomas rubino,

before i continue: sorry for my bad english, i´m from germany.. O:-)

Thank you very much for your informations. Now i know, that it will work as a sauna. I think, there will be no mistake if a make a little mass at the exhaust. Saving a bit energy :-)

So, it will be the best way to put the feed tube to 200mm. I´m thinking about to do the feeder and burn tunnel out of square firebricks. The heat riser as firebrickpipe. Or would it be better with classic "burned" bricks?

Now i will start planning. As you wished, i could make an new thread for my stove. Starting at the planning from now. I think there would be much discussion for the solution here :-)


thomas rubino wrote:Hi Benne;
I'll see if I can explain.
A sauna with a rocket stove would not need much mass at all.
The feed tube should defiantly be inside the sauna with you and not outdoors.
You'll want to enjoy the visual beauty and hear the dragon's roar from a J-tube RMH
As far as size.
Common is 150mm  and more popular for home heating is a 200mm
Smaller than 150mm can be hard to operate.
There are size parameters on J-tube construction that we will happily supply you with if needed.
Be sure to take pictures and write a post as you build your sauna.

2 years ago
Hi there,

nice and very interesting. I´m planning an rocket stove for my new outdoor sauna at the moment. I´ll do it almost like in the "Rocket mass heater builders guide". First of all i thought about "will it work"? Enough heat on the top for the sauna stone? Here i read, that it should work.

Now i´m a bit irritated: At the rocket mass heater builders guide there is always an much smaller vertical feeder. On this thread its much bigger an horizontal. Do i need this big feeder? Maybe the dimensions of the guide would be wrong with this big feeder?

2. Question: Does it actually make any sense to build an "Mass" inside the sauna with the exhaust pipe?

3. Question: Should i place the feeder inside oder outside the sauna?

Thanks for your help!

2 years ago