About two years ago i purchased my small 2 acre woodlot. The entire thing was taken over by buckthorn thicket and black locust. I am slowly thinning the black locust, but removed all of the buckthorn. Presently trying to regenerate the understory with minimal success. This year i’ve been focused on fighting the garlic mustard that came in to fill the old buckthorn thicket.
Ive planted many, many trees, maple seeds, acorns, etc. however, I have an abundant rabbit and squirrel population that has found a way to eat or maim every seedling and dig up every last acorn (i planted 4-5 gallon buckets worth). I am on the edge of a mid-size city in WI and the last wooded stand in the area. Unfortunately, I’m beginning to think that removal of squirrels and rabbits until i can get the understory established, as they only seem to target non-invasive plants.
Anyone else have success regenerating a woodlot after removing European Buckthorn? I’m hoping to hear at least one success story and maybe any tips you can provide for my quest.