Karla Waterman

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since Dec 02, 2022
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First learnt permaculture as an intern at Permaculture Center Kamimomi, Japan. Back in Australia now, interested in school and community gardens.
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Recent posts by Karla Waterman

We've had mice and microbats that have died inside the house- I bury them in a low-frequented area of the veggie patch and forget about them. Haven't ever accidentally dug one up again before it's fully decomposed. You might have to get creative with locations or make a system if you have a ton of them though.
7 months ago
Hi there Bobby,

That's awesome you're volunteering to make a garden for the school. What type of biochar are you using? I used to live in Japan and we made biochar out of rice hulls.
2 years ago
These guys have been in my worm farm for a while now. Just wondering if anyone knew what they are and if they're something to worry about. My worms seem happy so not too worried mostly curious, couldn't find anything with a Google search.
2 years ago
Kevin, you mentioned that you spray your oyster mushrooms in buckets directly. I have been trying to grow oyster in buckets on sugar cane mulch and haven't had much luck with the size of my flushes, despite using a fairly high grain spawn to substrate ratio. I also pasteurise the substrate by soaking in hot water with lime for a few hours. I have them in a plastic greenhouse as a fruiting chamber under the stairs outside, so they get natural light but very little direct sunlight. I have been spraying the chamber several times a day when they fruit, but not the mushrooms directly. I am wondering if spraying them directly works better with oysters than just spraying the area around them? If you have experimented with that at all.
My buckets pin well, but then they get to a certain size and seem to start smelling funky, or dry out. I've had a few bigger flushes when the weather is really humid. I'm guessing it must be a humidity issue as I keep the door of the chamber open for airflow.

Love the idea of using your buckets of inoculated substrate to re-inculate fresh substrate! Will have to try that one.
2 years ago