Lexi Hewett

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since Dec 20, 2022
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Recent posts by Lexi Hewett

We have a battery operating push mower as I get sick from gasoline fumes. Plus, fuel mowers have the dirtiest engines possible so that's not for me.
Presently another 10% of the former lawn are covered with cardboard, awaiting a brilliant idea as to what I can plant there (under three 3 years old fruit trees).
One part is meant to be turning into a wildflower area but I fear it's a buffet for pigeons and mice. At least some yellow rattle comes through. Next year I'll put in buckwheat to try and suppress the couch grass.
Another area is now shrubs and herbs.
The higher the growth, the more life returns. Above and in the ground.
8 months ago
In southern Europe you see a lot of trees with white trunks. They are painted with ordinary masonry paint. The white seems to deter the bugs.
So wait for 2 dry days, and when the bark feels sufficiently dry, slap it on.
I would not recommend any of the sticky tape products to form a ring around the trunk underneath the grafts. It became a water trap and took the bark off my favourite apple tree. That was sold as organic. Well the term is not legally defined, is it.
1 year ago
For old fashioned quality tools, sometimes a yard sale can fill your treasure trove. I got some good shears and things from neighbours who tidied up . Also we have neighbourhood groups on the internet (freegle, freecycle) where I ask for stuff and browse offers.
My favourite 'tools' are cardboard and tarps. I have a large area covered where wildflower seeds shall  soon become a meadow
Favourite tools, traditional variety: wiggle hoe, loppers, (tree)saws  and a good, comfortable ladder for trees.
1 year ago