I and my wife, are just beginning our homestead journey [next month] on our 5 Acre property just outside of Versailles Missouri..
You mentioned moving to SW Missouri.. Are you able to be any more specific as to the area, or nearest city, without disclosing precise location [so as to maintain some level of privacy and/or safety for your family].
Additionally, could I inquire what your reasons are for asking?
Is your family looking to MOVE TO Missouri and looking for other Homesteaders to stay with?
Looking for purchase a property of your own?
Looking for like minded friends?
Looking for help, additional bodies/friends to help you develop a newly purchased property of your own?
or any other number of motivations....
If you could clarify what & why, then us or others, would better be able to determine if we're able to help..
And if not too personal of a question: What's the reason for your family moving from WI to MO?
I (40) and my wife (30), own our 5 acres of Paradise [property] just outside of Versailles, MO and are open to inviting a young family (NO singles individuaLs, we want couples/family's only) onto our property.