Dean Peddle

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since Jan 01, 2023
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so I started using a pressure canner for the first time this week to preserve some moose meat. Here's my problem:  (and 2 questions)

The instructions I was following didn't say how much water to put in the canner.  Since I was familiar with preserving jams and such in a water bath, I covered the jars with water - almost to the very top of the canner. (I had 2 levels of jars).  I then followed all of the instructions, (like waiting for a steady jet of steam to exit for 10 minutes before using the 'rocker', letting the pressure build to 11 pds,)  and then left it to cook at that pressure for 90 mins.
I have 2 batches of 16 jars done.  I was then searching online for another meat canning recipe when I came across a video where the gentleman only put about 3 inches of water in the pressure canner!

so here are my 2 questions:

(Q1) Since the jars were covered in boiling water but not actually exposed to the hotter steam, did the jars get heated to the required temperatures?

(Q2)  If the answer to Q1 is "no", can I now crack the lids on each jar and start the process over - this time with 2-3 inches of water in the canner?

Any insights greatly appreciated!

2 years ago