Steven Hipp

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since Jan 06, 2023
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Up here in Alaska, the top bear dogs are a breed called Karelian Bear Dogs, which apparently originate from breeds in Finland and Russia. They are good at hunting and fighting big game animals like moose, wolves, and the Eurasian Brown Bear and have been used to good effect in Canada, America, and strangely, Japan, where they have greatly reduced bear incidents.

My brother and sister worked at a summer camp a few years ago over in Port Allworth Alaska and said that the dogs would constantly patrol and circle around you while you walked on the trails to make sure that there were no bears hiding in the brush. Needless to say, as a prospective Alaskan homesteader, I think I want a few of these dogs for my homestead in the future.
2 months ago
Hello Permies!

I just moved to to a small town north of Anchorage, Alaska and have been looking for a job. I was wondering if anyone here knows of any permaculture projects with internships or entry level jobs that are available up here. (I am very new to permaculture - so I don't know much yet.)  I  found a bioshelter project with two websites near me: and but from what I have gathered this place seems to be in the process of being sold as of September 2023.

If anyone knows of any projects that need workers in Alaska, that would be very helpful and much appreciated!

Thank You!
5 months ago
Hi! I live in Alaska and I am interested in the SKIP program. Are there any Otises in Alaska that you know of? Thanks!
8 months ago