Stacey Gruet

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since Jan 12, 2023
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Recent posts by Stacey Gruet

Thank you! I joined and posted, it's pending, hopefully it'll be approved.
Hi Melissa,

Thank you for your reply.

No I don't believe I am. Would you mind sharing the link to it please?

I did a quick research with those terms and there's a bunch of groups that come up with different names.

Again, thanks for your help.
Hello everyone,

We are in talks to purchase about 18 acres of raw land in the jungle, near SeyƩ, in the Yucatan and we're completely novice in this field.

We wish to be off-grid and self-sustainable to the best of our abilities.

We are looking for a permaculture specialist which could collaborate with our architect to plan around the building of our home and help with the design of our fruits, herbs and vegetables garden.

Any recommendation for a local expert would be greatly appreciated.

We wish you all a healthy new year!

With all our love.