michael archer

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since Jan 29, 2023
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Recent posts by michael archer

What are your thoughts on how we can control heat inside the Wheaton ATC solar dehydrator? For instance, say I wanted to dry herbs at a temperature not over 104 fahrenheit in order to keep specific nutrients intact. Is there a way to regulate heat?

This is an example I thought of- a lever that is actuated by temperature to open or close the the air flow based on air temp: https://orbesenteknik.com/more/window-openers/

But the concern here is that once it got hot it would just close air flow entirely.

Thoughts? Thank you.
1 year ago
I see. Thank you for explaining. Has anyone actually witnessed this done in real life and proved its failure, or is a hypothesis?
1 year ago
What would happen if we skipped the false wall entirely and just let the air exhaust through a vent in the bottom once it has settled instead of forcing it back up to the top again? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I watched the 1.5 hour dehydrator video and couldn't answer it for myself.

1 year ago