I did public Community gardens for a bunch of years.
The resort where I live has a community garden and I had a plot in it. 10'x25'
By trellising and intensive farming..
I would habitually mug anyone walking by with Tomatoes, Beans etc.
One afternoon I was having tea on my balcony.
I see a couple in a C class motorhome pull into an RV spot across from me.
She hops out of the passenger seat and tried to guide the fellow in.
It was a lovely windmill impression that seemed to have no plan of avoidance regarding the hedge or picnic table except shrieking and pointing.
Regardless.. by largely ignoring her he used his mirrors to do a decent job.
I raised my coffee cup to signal that he was back far enough to access the water, sewer, power box..
He hoped out with a grin and a wave..
She hustled inside while he started hooking up.
He was just finishing putting the stabilizer jacks down when she came out again and had a discussion..
Lots of handwaving from each side before I see his shoulders slump tiredly..
She goes back inside and I watched him undo everything he had done for the last 20 min..
Onto the RV they went and off they drove..
Come back 30 min later, do the same reversal docking process..
I raised my mug again..
She hustles up to the door of the RV and takes out the reason for the trip.
A plastic wrapped bouquet of Lettuce, a couple of tomatoes and an onion.
He proceeds to start hooking up everything again.
Saw him chewing on a burger later..
Looking like it was going down sideways.
Holidays.. yay?
I looked at the pots of growing stuff on my balcony..
Tomatoes, lettuce.. onions..
The next spring I went to management and said.. Can I put a Free public garden out in front of my place.
I'll put an old waterbed bladder in a raised bed.. so if I need to I can make it disappear.
Got grudging permission to try it for a year.
It was wildly popular.. at its height there were 9 garden beds through 60+ acres.
I learned some things..
You can pick a tomato and give it away..
But invite someone in to select it and pick it themselves..
That's a whole different layer of wonderful.
Kids will eat beans if they picked them personally.
We have hedges and every spring a surplus of 1 and 3 gallon pots.
So I put a couple of Tomato plants in each pot and handed them out.
Give people the joy of their own independence.
Like was mentioned before.. Raspberry canes, Goji berry suckers, Strawberry plants, chives,
Were already potted up and ready to give out.
The more you give, the more is given to you to pass on.
About 3 years in I saw the same couple in the C class pull up..
She hopped out.. left him to park it himself while she grabbed her grocery bag and set off down the street to pick her finds..
I raised my mug again.. when he hit the sweet spot.
Went down to thank the man..
For showing me a need to be filled.
People.. especially men.. like to visit while doing..
Hang them over a truck engine compartment, or side by side in a woodshop.. over a back fence..a garden.
You can't shut 'em up..
But a sit down social face to face is challenging.
People would congregate, pick and munch..
Instruct others to just pick the outside lettuce leaves and let the plant grow.
I learned so much from ex farm wives..
People with Cancer seem to crave cucumbers.
I mentioned this to more than one.. and planted extra.
My point.. how much extra do YOU need?
I would walk their property with them and tell them what you would put where..
And if they show a flash of interest..
Gift them something to put in that spot.
Digging in the dirt 'grounds' people.
Start small.. we all did.. give them ownership and get them hooked.
Loan tools, books, labour and encouragement.
The only way any of us are going to get through the hard times is through neighbourhood resiliency.
Bartering skills and assets, volunteering to water your neighbours garden while they are gone for 2 weeks.
If you see them working on something.. grab your shovel or take them a beer.
Admire their efforts... lend a hand.
And I have to thank the original poster..
Life happened and I walked away.. from my gardens and my community.
Am back and wondering how to restart.
Look at what was and wondering how to get back there.
That's not how life works.. new will be different and that's a good thing.
Start small.. let it grow.