Meg Powers

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since Mar 22, 2023
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I planted some winecaps in my backyard last year,  and they came back again this year.  I usually try to harvest them while they are small,  before the birds peck at them,  but sometimes they get huge.  It's been really neat to see the variety of sizes/ shapes/ colors as they grow/ mature under different light/ moisture/ etc conditions. Here are a few pictures...
4 months ago
I use a hanging mesh drying basket to dry stuff outside, and let the wind do the work.
It has zippers so bugs can't get in,  and your herbs/etc don't fall out.
Similar to this here :

So far I have used it to successfully dry lots of different herbs, mushrooms, and right now I'm trying small hot peppers and berries.
Also, sun is ok sometimes too (ie. 🍄 + 🌞 = Vitamin D )

I like that it is noiseless, inexpensive, is very compact to store,  and doesn't cost any electricity.

I've also used the oven, and my toaster oven, on the 'keep warm' setting to dry roots and things that have more moisture.
4 months ago