Steve Zoma wrote:Assuming you are attaching your fence to your neighbors singular wooden fence post, you will need to install a T-brace, and install three fence posts...
Thank you very much, this was exactly what I needed to know. Neighbor doesn't have any wood fence posts, the existing fence is just barbed wire on T-posts. I'm assuming that if that's the case I should install a wood fence post right where I'm joining the two fences together so that the braces will be stable (since I can't brace a wood fence post to a t-post). Then I can build out the whole T brace as you described.
With the bracing wires, I'm assuming I need to install them that way so that the center post of the T is being pulled from the top in all directions by the bracing wire in order to prevent the tension in the fence pulling it over / heaving it out of the ground. The extra wire on my side is to prevent my fence from pulling the center post over. Do I have that about right?