Joshua David

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since Apr 18, 2023
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Steve Zoma wrote:Assuming you are attaching your fence to your neighbors singular wooden fence post, you will need to install a T-brace, and install three fence posts...

Thank you very much, this was exactly what I needed to know. Neighbor doesn't have any wood fence posts, the existing fence is just barbed wire on T-posts. I'm assuming that if that's the case I should install a wood fence post right where I'm joining the two fences together so that the braces will be stable (since I can't brace a wood fence post to a t-post). Then I can build out the whole T brace as you described.

With the bracing wires, I'm assuming I need to install them that way so that the center post of the T is being pulled from the top in all directions by the bracing wire in order to prevent the tension in the fence pulling it over / heaving it out of the ground. The extra wire on my side is to prevent my fence from pulling the center post over. Do I have that about right?
1 year ago
I've tried to find answers on this for days, but Google search is unfortunately very unhelpful.
I have a 6 acre lot that I'm trying to surround with an electrical fence so that I can do some rotational grazing. The south edge of my property already has a barbed wire fence on it that I share with a neighbor. The east edge has no fence at all. It meets that southern fence right about in the middle. In order to build my fence, I'm going to have to attach it somehow to my neighbor's barb wire fence. I have an idea on how to make this work, but I cannot for the life of me find any information on how to add an H brace in the middle of an already existing barbed wire fence.

Specifically, I'm trying to figure out if I need to build a 3 way brace (shaped like a giant T looking down from the top) with two sides connecting the cut ends of my neighbor's fence, or if I can simply put a 90 degree corner brace there and connect my neighbor's fence to either side of that brace.

Neighbor is OK with me doing the work, I just want to make sure I'm going to do this right before I start mucking around with his nice fence line. Has anyone done this kind of thing before? I'm 100% a novice at fence building, so I want to learn as much as possible before I start working.
1 year ago