Ari Smith

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since Apr 19, 2023
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Black Bamboo can be grown in hardiness zone 6, but there is some nitty-gritty:

- it reaching 15 feet tall (4.6 meters) only, instead of 25-30 feet (7.6 — 9 meters) as in warmer zones;
- at temperatures below 10 °F (-12 °C) the foliage of black bamboo can be easily damaged by strong wind;
- foliage loss occurs at about 0 °F (-17 °C) up to complete top kill of canes at -10 —  -15 °F (-23 — -26 °C).
Blueberry loves acidic soil do you need to combine it with plants can thrive in acidic soil and have the same climate zone. Also they should be aesthetically beautiful when paired with blueberries.

Excellent companion plants for blueberries are:
- Thyme, for example Elfin Creeping Thyme (see image in the attachment). It looks like a real groundcover and should suffocates the buttercup, Also you can add it to the tea.

- Raspberry, ex Creeping Raspberry (see attachment). It creates a very good groundcover and produses an edible berries

- Juniper, ex Blue Rug Juniper, just a decoration croundcover, nothing edible. But it is evergreen and has beautiful winter color (please see below).

- of couse Cranberry .

Before planting ground cover of any type, mulch around the base of each blueberry plant with 4 to 6 inches of an acidic mulch such as shredded leaves or pine bark. Then plant the ground cover, taking care not to damage the shallow root systems of blueberry.