DIY: Stove black. Grind some charcoal very finely and mix with equal portion of graphite lubricant powder. Mix this in with an oil binder, we use bacon fat because it smells good as thew stove heats up for the first time after treatment. I use the end of a small piece of 2x4 wood to rub it into the surface. I do it hot sometimes too. It needs be done at least once a year, more is better.
On the subject of water flow through the coils, more is better. Yes the output seems cooler but the beast heat transfer happens when there is the highest temperature differential. This allows for maximum extraction of heat from the flue.
Another, DIRECT FIRED, method that I have been very happy with is my Biochar Kannibal-kooker.
It takes a bit over an hour of feeding to get hot and provides a nice hot soak after working to make 5-10 gallons of biochar. Obviously the fire is completely quenched, to save the biochar (ash no bueno), BEFORE getting into the tub. WARNING: While firing, the metal tub surfaces are dangerously hot, especially above the waterline.