Kami Brath

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since May 16, 2023
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I have to say I am wholly impressed. As a woman born and raised in the Caribbean, it is amazing to find someone nurturing and cultivating the land as my ancestors once had!

On the other hand, as someone who also spent my a lot of my time living in America, I respect what you’re doing beyond my 23 years of knowledge! I’ve wanted nothing more than to find a partner and do exactly what you have accomplished. I would love to chat with you more, but if not, know you have a faraway admirer!

Kami 💛
Hello all!

As the title states, I’m 23. Im from
Barbados but lived most of my life in the states. Im at a point in my life where I’ve exhausted all my options for happiness. I’ve gone to school. I’ve got my degree and a well paying job, but for some reason it is just not enough for me.

I grew up in a traditional household and after entering the modern dating world, I just know it’s not hat I want. What I want is to homestead and raise my children. I’m an ideal world, my perfect day would be making breakfast for my husband and children, tending to the garden or crops and reading a book under the trees.

There’s just something about men who genuinely want to homestead that align with all of the things I need from a men. It is the understanding and security that I crave.

I’m looking for a man ages 24-35 that is interested/ already started homesteading. Preferably someone without children, but not child free. I most definitely want a couple children of my own. I have many skills I could bring forth to an established homestead, but also much to learn. Feel free to PM me!! I look forward to hearing from you!
Hello there! I’m 23 from the Caribbean. I’m currently living in the states. I’m interested in chatting if you are!