Kyle Grandy

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since May 20, 2023
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Hello Jenn my fiancĂ© and I just moved  up to modoc county and we were curious if you're still around
8 months ago
Sorry for the late response. Thank you both for the sound advice.I would like to put some ponds at the key points Where the pink circles are, picture one, But with all the red tape involved I don't think that will be an option, so I'm thinking. Maybe give those swales some fall to move some extra water away from that key area or key point to an area that needs more water. And how are rainfall Comes into the calculation. Our soil type is dolma cobbly loam. And our average rainfall is about 13 inches per year.
1 year ago
Hello all;
This is a topo of a 20 acre property I have recently purchased. I believe I have found two key points in this design. I'm unsure if I should follow the contour lines directly or deviate and use the keyline method which has more evenly spaces swales. Or maybe I'm just confused overall? But, some advice and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have taken a PDC 6+ years ago but never had any real time experience in the field.
1 year ago