Andrew Macvey

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since May 26, 2023
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Recent posts by Andrew Macvey

Brian Doherty wrote:I would approach that conversation with this mindset...

--‐You're coming here for an educational experience.---

Any side hustle coin you manage to earn isn't going to be much unless you stay for months and months, so don't worry about it and don't say anything about it.

That being said, be smart about how you get paid... cash or bitcoin being the 2 best options.

Ok, thanks!
11 months ago
Hello everyone, this looks amazing! I'm very interested in the bootcamp. I looked through the FAQs and couldn't find the answer to this question: I'm Canadian and I wonder about what I would tell the border people regarding whether I'm entering the country to work. Since there are all these great opportunities to make "coin". But I don't think I can legally work if I'm just visiting, would I need a work visa? Does anyone have any experience or insight on this topic that they can share? Thank you!
11 months ago
Hi Tim, your land sounds beautiful! I can't seem to see the pictures you attached. I'm not sure if maybe they didn't attach or properly or not.
11 months ago