Matteo Rompino

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since May 29, 2023
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Recent posts by Matteo Rompino

Very good, i have another question, regarding the correct sizing of the rmh for my house. I have used the excel file to calc the diameter of the riser needed, but It seems to me that the power output is off by a good margin, could it be?
A rule of thumb of wood burning stove is about 3kg of wood burned in an hour is equal to 8kw/h, in my case with a 230mm riser and 21.6 kg of wood the output should be over 15kw/h, not 7.6 like stated in the excel sheet.
1 year ago
Hi all, i'm in the process of designing my own rmh, a 230mm one.
I have decided to make an octagonal brick riser, with waterjet cutted bricks, but due to the cost i'm thinking to partially build it with store bought refractory chimney elements (1000°C continuos working temperature).
So the first 500-600mm will be stacked bricks the remaining 1000mm or so it's going to be made out of tubular refractory.
The problem is that i can only found such elements in 200mm or 250mm diameter.

Attached some pictures of my drawings:
Note that the p channel is going to be integrated in the structure of the core, everything will be made with high quality bricks, each of them will be slotted (like a lego brick).
1 year ago