Ponder Ray Pilgrim

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since Jun 17, 2023
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Recent posts by Ponder Ray Pilgrim

Wow! Thanks to fellow Permies for the thoughtful replies. We’ll keep the forum informed of our progress. Thanks again!
1 year ago
We’ve made our home in remote NE Washington State on a family farm for nearly twenty-five years. For the past decade the population and burrowing of GS has become an issue. We use zero poisons or pesticides and with an abundance of wildlife, birds, raptors etc.have to use methods that do-no-harm to the creatures finding dispatched GSs or harm to soil. There are hundreds of these nibblers, perhaps thousands out in the pasture, and with literally countless burrow openings fumigation would mean plugging-up means of fumigant escape. I’m considering woodsmoke, but how to facilitate?. Cats could probably help but cats kill a lot of birds. Watering & mowing keeps the burrowing around structures in check, but the fresh grass is quite an attractant for above ground activity.
Walking across areas w/mowed lawn finds GS poop in the cleats. Shoes off & on entering homes isn’t easy for the busy to abide so a brush-off boot cleaning gizmo at the door helps. We need to do something pro-active before next Spring when their numbers double, triple.
Has anyone done smoke fumigation? Are cats the only non-chemical solution?
1 year ago